User interviews made simple

Continuously conduct user interviews, prioritise opportunities and test solutions in one platform, so you can simply/consistently make informed product decisions.
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Hybrid User Interviews

How It Works

User interview set up, conducting and reporting are structured like a survey to give you a simple, structured and repeatable process for learning about user problems and testing solutions.

Set up User Interview

Create studies with screening, interview and prototype/website testing questions. Simple as adding a question type and configuring it (e.g. add Figma link)


Recruit Participants

Specify recruitment criteria with the query builder then publish the study. The recruitment and screening are done automatically (or share the generated web link).


Conduct User Interview

Use the built-in video chat system to conduct user interviews. Users participate/reschedule/cancel via the link in the email or directly in your website.


Usability Testing

In user interviews participants can perform tasks, without screen sharing or being sent prototype/website links. Reports are auto-generated.


Analyse Findings

Survey like report is generated, transcripts and initial analysis are done automatically (ready for you to review and edit if necessary).


Synthesise/Prioritise Insights

Filter down to find key insights (or automate it), as the qualitative data is now quantitative and weighted.

Key Features

These features help you continuously get from a research goal to a prioritised set of product opportunities.

It's simple for your users, too

Provide convenience to users by allowing them to schedule/participate in user interviews and submit feedback without leaving your website.

Click the Logo below to display the Widget

OR Use the Standalone Web Links

Enter with Assumptions, leave with a Deep Understanding & Connection with your Users